The coat shines and the bad breath is gone

Hello Anifit team,
I spent a long time trying out different types of dry food for my Eddi, which he never really liked, until I came across a very good Anifit advisor who explained good dog nutrition to me.
Since then, Eddi loves his food and his bowl is quickly empty.
The RyDog Vital Menu Chicken smells delicious and looks appealing.
It comes out of the tin very firm, I always shred it with a fork and mix in the potato flakes, which are very quickly mixed.
At the word "dinner" Eddi goes crazy with joy and I am totally relieved that he has finally found a food that tastes good and is good for him.
His coat is shiny, he no longer has bad breath and is fit all round!
It's also nice that there are several flavours to choose from.
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