Note: Country specific prices have been set for Austria.
Piefke and Püppie

Hello Anifit!
We have been buying Anifit for our West male named Piefke (born 3 July 1997) since 1 August 2004. In November 2004 we took the female western dog called Püppie (born 23 January 1996) into our family.
The development since summer 2004 and now is fantastic, there is no comparison to how she looks today. We are so proud of our "old" lady!
Thanks to Anifit dog food:
- the coat has become shiny and really thick
- no skin or other diseases have occurred since then
- She really comes alive and Anifit is really good for her.
Even our male dog, who was always very susceptible, no longer has any skin rashes.
Kind regards,
The Töllner family
September 2006
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